GGC Events

Women's Bible Study Group

Warren Weirsbe Bible study through Philippians. Mondays at noon at Alan and Sue King's. Led by Pam Hannan and Emily Rozell. For more information, contact

Event Details
Every Monday, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Category: Women
Location: Alan and Sue King's house
Address: See church directory for details, Cambridge, MN US 55008
Coordinator: Pam Hannan and Emily Rozell

We look forward to meeting you!

We are located just north of Grandy on Hwy 65, across from East Central Diesel, with three large crosses near the road.
Location: 37126 MN-65, Stanchfield, MN 55080
Phone: (763) 308-5618
Sunday Service: 9:45AM coffee fellowship | 10:00AM main service